jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017


It is always a good idea to use the Blocking in technique to produce a drawing. Blocking in means that you use basic shapes to get it easier to make a drawing. These basic shapes, such as triangles, circles, rectangles...are used for sketching and after doing it you can fill in the details and volume by shading.
We are going to draw a kitten, that´s a young cat, following the steps given on the video.
You can sketch other animals in a similar way. Why don´t we give it a try?
I will also give you a handout as a guide, and we will play with the new words related to technique, lines and the animal itself .
Here you have a study set about lines that I have made using Quizlet.
Don´t forget about choosing other study options (there are quite a few).
And what about a brief quiz using GeoGebra?
You will only need a blank sheet of paper and two pencils, the intermediate or HB for sketching, and the softer and darker one, B2, for shading.
Even though all of your drawings look different, somehow all of them are beatiful.
You manage to do it really well. Remember  that this is your first aproach to this technique. Next time you´ll find it easier,  I promise!

How to draw a Kitten on PhotoPeach HOMEWORK

I wonder if you could do it even better. Try to draw another animal following similar steps. I like this Yorkie but its up to you to choose a different animal between all that you can find in this playlist.
You´ve got a whole week to do it at your own pace.

I´ll collect all your works of art during the second week of November.
And this is the final result. Bravo!!!

Drawing animals on PhotoPeach

domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017


Do you know anything about anamorphosis?

An anamorphosis is a deformed image that appears in its true shape when viewed in some "unconventional" way.
We can find many examples on our daily life, the most common use of the anamorphic design is by far in road markings.  
We have to see those marks from our vehicles in such a low point of view that they are going to be percieved distorted and shorter than they actually are.

Julian Beaver is a well known street artist. He has made pavement drawings all over the world for many years.
Anamorphic illusions drawn in a special distortion in order to create an illusion of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular point of view.

We can see other examples of this technique on adverts like this.

This is what we want to get
We will need:
-An HB pencil (number 2)
-A sheet of paper (DIN A4 Basik)
-A ruler and set squares
-Fine liners (0.2 for the grid and 0.8 for the outline)
-Coloured pencils
And, of course, an illustration to copy or trace (7x10 cm) You can print it out

lunes, 9 de enero de 2017

Newfound species

Sofía Casero

We are going to work on shape, form and texture.
Your goal is to create a new animal out of a part of an animal.
You´ll be given two legs of the original animal and you´ll have to integrate them so that you can´t find any difference between the piece of paper you´ve been given and your own drawing.
You will use an HB pencil, fine liners and a black pen to get, if you wish, the same shades of grey that you can find on the original drawing.
(This brilliant idea belongs to Dácil Velázquez.)

Jorge Ruiz


I´ll give you four small squares from the original print of Durer and you´ll try to imagine and draw four different animals with these features. You´ll glue these squares on a DIN A4 sheet of paper.

We´ll invest a whole hour to get the shape of the four animals and I´ll collect them all by the end of the class.

Iciar Pozo

Vocabulary describing animals: 

Here you can find more information about Durer´s Rhinoceros.

This is what  former students did last year.
Below you can find the mp3 files whith the description of their animals (of course, in English!)