sábado, 14 de abril de 2018


Alejandra García 1º ESO D

This idea belongs to Margarita González

We are going to use what we know about regular inscribed polygons to divide a circumference and draw an incredible character using the lines and arcs given.
It is important to work on at least 5 different circumferences so that you can choose the best option, not just the first character that you draw.

 Drawing an animal is not your only option, your character can also be a person, an alien or whatever you want it to be.
Change its features and try new ones on each sketch.

So far, there is no need to think about colours or textures. This is only our first approach to the shape and the appearance of our creature.

Feel free to experiment and have fun...!!!

On this online magazine you will find much more examples (pages 26-41).
There are awesome characters made by my former head of department: Margarita González  with her students.

To print out the worksheet click on the picture above
Now that you know the way your character looks you have to draw only one of them.
Make sure that you use the measures given bellow.

sábado, 7 de abril de 2018


Thales´Theorem (measuring the Pyramid)

If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
According to some historical sources the Greek mathematician Thales applied the intercept theorem to determine the height of the Cheops' pyramid
Thales measured the length of the pyramid's base and the height of his pole (a long stick). Then at the same time of the day he measured the length of the pyramid's shadow and the length of the pole's shadow.


Exercise 2. Dividing a line segment into a set number of equal parts