Complementary colours are pairs of colours which, when combined, cancel each other out. This means that when combined, they produce a grey-scale colour like black. When placed next to each other, they create the strongest contrast for those particular two colours.
In the traditional model, a complementary colour pair is made up of a primary colour (magenta, cyan and yellow) and a secondary colour (green, violet or orange). For example, yellow is a primary colour
, and painters can make violet by mixing of red and blue; so when yellow and violet paint are mixed, all three primary colours are present. Since paints work by absorbing light, having all three primaries together results in a black or grey color.
Divide each rectangle into different parts using a ruler or set squares, draw these lines with the 0,2 fine liner, then fill each area using a pair of
complementary colours:
CYAN..........................................ORANGE (yellow+magenta)
MAGENTA...........................................GREEN (yellow+cyan)
Try to use different textures, techniques and shades of the same colour. If you want to use felt tip pens as well as colour pencils, you´ll be able to get more vibrant colours.